Monday, December 17, 2007

1st Christmas Pictures

Yesterday we took Joey in to take his Christmas pictures. We were referred by a few friends to this great place (Por.trait Innov.ations) that'll take professional pictures for a reasonable price, show you proofs on a big screen plasma television, help you choose your poses and package and in 15-30 minutes you are walking out the door pictures IN HAND!

We strategically planned our appointment for an hour after his feeding time that way he'll be fed and just waking up from a nap. And normally after he wakes up he's all smiles and coos. Well we get there, I get him dressed in his Christmas outfit and he gives me the biggest cutest smile and throws up all over his outfit. CRAP! So I'm frantically wiping his sweater trying to get it all off. And as I'm wiping him up he spits up again. I catch it in my hand, and have to hand off Joey to Richard so I could walk outside to "water" the tree courtesy of Joey.
So we get called to start out session. The lady places Joey in a gift box, I'm thinkin, "OMG that's gonna be so frickin cute!" And Joey throws up, this time not only did he completely drench his sweater, he got it all over his pants and he got it all over the silky blanket inside the box. Ok, so I clean him up again, and by this time the sweater is too wet and disgusting to leave it on him so I take it off.

We take a few more poses and he's throwing up more milk than what I thought he took down... So we change him into outfit #2. And he must have had an empty stomach by that time because he didn't spit up anymore. We finally finish, we choose our poses and in 15 minutes we were on our way home with pictures in hand.
Our original plan was to take family portraits for our first Christmas with Joey but of all times, Richard got a nasty sty on his upper eye lid, and his entire eye lid is swollen. Its so bad that one eye looks 50% smaller than the other. Its really noticeable. So we x'ed that idea. We just may have to take our own pics at home. But we did set up another appointment in January, to take generational pictures with all of my in-laws, so hopefully Richard's eye will be better and we all will be in good health to take some pictures.
So here they are:

This is the picture we're sending out with our Christmas cards.
These pictures are unedited, the ones that were printed were cropped

And finally, our little Gift from God.
This is the only pose we got with the choo-choo train sweater vest.
As you guessed, we got suckered into buying a ton of pictures. It was just to hard to pick one pose for $9.99 so we chose 12 poses out of the 60 shots taken. So I told Richard that the pictures are my birthday gift, since Saturday was my birthday. I turned the big 27, EEEK!
And Sunday was my parents 29th wedding anniversary, yay for them!