Friday, November 30, 2007

Pictures: Baby showers, Halloween, Thanksgiving & Christmas

I've been a bad blogger, but I've got a ton of pictures to update yall with.

6 weeks

Joey's baby shower. Given by my mom & sister.
My dad and husband playing one of the shower games.
The men had untie and retie their shoes the fastest without popping their balloon baby bellies. THAT was HILARIOUS!

To much fun in one day. (Napping in his Moses basket)
My little family. (Joey at 8 weeks)
Joey's baby shower, given by my in-laws.
Cake & cookies
The cookies were shaped as blue & white rattles, booties and onsies

Me & JoJo at his shower. (Joey at 9 wks)

Signs my SIL made for the party.

Fall 2007

My little Pea in a Pod
Passed out from a Halloween candy suger high. lol


10 weeks

11 weeks

Bath time in the sink

"I love bath time"
"... and play time."
Chillin' on our way to our 2 month appt.

Trying to capture a smile.

(Almost a smile)

I'm gonna catch a smile sooner or later.
"JOOOOY to the world"
"Come on mom, get the picture and get me off this man's lap"
Last night daddy finally put the swing together.
He loved it!
Now I love it.


Sporty said...

He is absolutely adorable Jennie! You and Richard look so happy. Looks like a good time was had by all at the shower.

Looking forward to seeing more pics of your handsome little man.

Take care,

Jenn said...

OMG Jennie - he is absolutely adorable!!! The first pic is my favorite - it looks like a professional pic!

I am glad things are going well - can't wait to see more.

Jen, Rich & Joey said...

Thanks! None of these pics were professionally taken, I took them all myself. I took the 1st two pictures while I still hadn't returned to work and had time to play around with my camera. Its kinda funny how I got the 1st picture. I'm actually in the picture ya just can't see me, I covered myself in a white sheet and placed him between my legs to keep him from rolling. And when he tried to pick his head up I snapped away. I got a ton of pictures of him... well not quite a ton yet, more like 758 on my SD memory card. LOL, he hasn't even been in this world 758 days and I have that many pictures of him. Baby pictures isn't something Joey is going to be lacking.

Jenna said...

He is so cute!!! I love all of the pictures! I am glad that you posted them. Joey is getting so big! Man.. time is just flying. Everything I see him I just can't get over how much he looks like you guys!

Kirsten said...

Those are such great pictures!!! I am so glad you shared guys make a beautiful family. And your cake is it was quite tasty, too :)

And, yes...yay for high school sweethearts that LAST!!! Woo hoo!!

Anonymous said...

Just read your whole blog - congrats - he's such a beautiful baby - I'm a Catholic mom of 8 and these babies are definitely Gifts from God - I'm so thrilled that you have him. Hoping you might reconsider the IUD - NFP does really work and is safer for your body. Anyway, congrats again!

cheska said...

your blog is very encouraging - my baby is also experiencing same challenges - reading about your blog inspired me more to believe in GOD that my baby will be good... please include him in your PRAYERS is name is KRSNA.

thank you!

Wenni Donna said...

He-he! They are so adorable. It was amazing going through this post. Is this one of the home studios NYC? Anyways, the arrangements are great and the little one is so cute. My sister is also going to have a baby in few months. I must organize a baby shower like this for her.