Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Update 11/20/07

Its been a while since I've blogged, life has been keeping us extremely busy. Every weekend we're out doing something different. So let me catch ya up some.

Joey is doing great. He had his 2 month appt Nov 9th and he weighed 10 lbs 12oz. and 22 3/4 inches long. Just 4 more ounces and he doubles his birth weight, which I'm sure he already has by now. He got 3 shots and he didn't even cry. He screamed once when the first needle went in, and the nurse administered the other 2 so fast he didn't have time to take a breath before it was all over with. He's getting chubby and starting to "talk" a lot. He's cooing and gurgling, he also expresses his excitement by lifting his eyebrows and squealing. I LOVE IT! He's also starting to smile, its really cute. I'm trying to get it captured in a picture but its so hard. I'll get it soon enough.

Nov 12th Joey had a appt with his pediatric hematologist at TX Children's Hospital and it went well. He had some lab work done, and we're still waiting for the results.

Oct 28th & Nov 4th I had my baby showers. Joey went to both and everyone got to meet him. He got tons of good gifts. I counted 34 complete outfits, that's shirt & pants. Some had hoodies, caps, booties. Now with his hand-me-downs AND his new stuff, he has more clothes than he can even think about wearing. Everyday he has something different on, I don't think I've repeated an outfit on him yet.

For Halloween he was a pea in a pod. We went trick-or-treating at my parents and also at my in-laws house. He pretty much slept through the whole thing... But we got some cute pictures which I'll have to post later.

Update on me:

My liver enzymes are returning to a normal range. And I talked to my Oncologist about birth control. Because of the blood clotting disorder (MTHFR gene mutation) I can't take BCP because estrogen increases risk of clotting. So we've got the ok, and we're going with the Mir.ena IUD and that should be inserted as soon as AF comes to visit me... If "she" comes before the new year it will be covered 100% by my insurance. So I'm praying "she" comes soon, REAL SOON. If not, we'll be forking out 4 to 5 hundred dollars. Yuck.

I had an upper endoscopy done this past Thursday and it was found that I have acid reflux, and a hernia. I don't have any details on either, since the GI talked to my mom after the procedure. So I have to go back for a follow-up to get some details. Now I'm on Nexium 40mg.

I am enjoying my little Joey. I love, LOVE everything about being his mommy. Its hard work, but when he flashes me that silly little slobbery smile or when he falls asleep on my chest with his arms wrapped around me there is no better feeling in the world.

I'll have to write about my "Proud Mommy Moments" at a later time, this post is getting a little long. Ohhhh and I've made the exciting trip with Joey to the Mecca- Wal-Mart. I'll post about that later too. I'm at work, and gotta get back.

Last but not least.

Happy Thanksgiving. As we will be counting our blessings this holiday, I want you to know that you, your support and our friendship is something I am thankful for. Its been a busy year for us all, but I hope this Thursday you can sit down with your family and enjoy a great meal together. Life is short, and so many things and people are taken for granted. Don't let the day go by without expressing your gratitude to your loved ones.

And if your anything like the women in our family, once you've eaten that last piece of pumpkin pie you'll be sitting down with the Black Friday ads planning out your route for the next morning. We'll be getting up at 2 to be out the door and in line at the stores by 3 or 4:00am.
To all those shopping with me, be careful, if you can go with someone do so, and get your running shoes on! Its SHOPPING TIME BABY! WOOOOOO HOOOOO!!!!

(We're spending the night at my in-laws house on Thanksgiving because my oh-so-wonderful MIL volunteered to watch Joey so Richard and I can go shopping.)


Jenn said...

I hope your first Thanksgiving was a good one! You are truly blessed. I am so happy that everything is going so well with Joey. I can't wait to see Halloween pics!
Take care of yourself

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Joey is getting so big and I can wait to see pictures.

Me and John went shopping on Black Friday at 12am. The outlets by my parents opened at 12 am to try something new. I am DONE shoppping. Yayy!!

Hope to hear more from you soon.