Wednesday, September 26, 2007

2 Week Check-up & pics

I guess I'm down to posting once a week... I'm just so darn busy. Half of the time I can't tell if I'm awake or asleep... Sleep has been pretty much non-existant this week. But as an Infertile Graduate, I'd never complain.
My little Jo-Jo had two appointments this past week. He went in for his 2 week check up and he cried like I've never heard him cry before when the nurse poked his heal. When the nurse was pinching his heal trying to get blood to put on a card, and he was so mad he was kicking her with his other foot. Poor little guy... She measured him and he grew! In two weeks he grew 1 and a 1/4 inch. But the upsetting part is that he lost weight. Pediatrician said its normal for infants to lose, but I have to say I felt like crap. Joey was born weighing 5 lbs. 8 oz. and he was down to weighing 5 lbs. 4 1/2 oz. So his Ped. scheduled a follow-up appt for another weigh-in four days later. He also suggested we slack off on brea.stfeeding, and supplement with Sim!lac Isomil (soy product) because he noticed that Joey had spit up quite a bit in his office. So we did. We went back yesterday for his follow-up and he gained. We were aiming at getting him at least back to his birth weight, and he did it. He actually surpassed it! He's now weighing 6 lbs. 5 oz. and I'm so proud of him.
Here's a picture of him all bundled up on his way to his 1st Dr. appointment.

Joey's newest trick: Ok, last week I wasn't sure if him holding his pacifier was intentional or not... We'll this week I'm sure he knows what he's doing. I'm noticing him putting his finger in the hole in the center of his Soothie pacifier. I'm also seeing that when he's pi$$ed off at me for taking to long to get him his bottle, he swats his hand over his mouth shooting that pacifier across the room and HAS to land on the floor. Gah!
Ok... That's all the time I have for now. Little man has me on a tight schedule and its about time for him to eat again.
Here's some pics of this week, I put Joey in the camo outfit Richard got him when he went to Daddy Boot Camp.
"Sgt. Joseph Michael Gonzales reporting for duty."
"Ok Mom, that's enough pictures!"
These last two pictures are a bit personal but I'm going to share them with you all anyways. I'm nursing Joey and the bonding we are doing is unspoken, but is felt so deeply between us.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Week 1

We survived week one, whew! I'm here, with 30 gallon trash bags under my eyes, but we're all here, relatively healthy, and we're making it. And through the fatigue, I can honestly say I love, LOVE my new role as mommy.

Today my little man turned 2 weeks old. I just can't believe how fast time has flown by. It seems like we just brought him home yesterday.

Joey's doing great. He's a good eater, sleeper and a Super Pooper! I would of never thought that such a little baby could produce so much poop-and stinkyyyyy!

Joey's new trick: He can hold his pacifier in his mouth (its the cutest thing) but I'm not sure if its intentional or not. But when he gets goin on his pacifier, and he feels it start to come out, he pushes it back in and holds it there.

Oh, and at a week and one day old his umbilical cord stumpy fell off. It reminded me of the Pinocchio movie when he sings, "I've got no strings on me!"

(Side note) I'm working on a birth story... Stay tuned!

My cousin gave us a diaper cake and in it was a ton of great stuff along with these really cute boxing gloves. I thought they were just a decoration, but they're actually baby gloves. I put them on Joey for a little while, but since they're so puffy, they're a bit to heavy for him. So here are a few pics.

In the white corner, wearing (preemie) Spiderman trunks and Blue boxing gloves,

"Put up your dukes!"

"My punches are too fast for pictures!"

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

We're Home! (Baby Pics)

We're finally home, Thank God! We ALL were discharged from the hospital on Sunday evening.

My little Joey is such a good little boy and when I'm doing better have I got a story for you. But as to be expected I can't be long, I'm posting in between the 3 hr window before his next feeding. I'm really suppose to be sleeping. My brain is not functioning due to lack of sleep, sorry my sentences are choppy. So I'll just leave yall with some pics.

Introducing: The Man of the Hour!
Joseph Michael Gonzales
Born: Sept. 6, 2007 at 8:23am
Weighing: 5 lbs 8 ounces and 18 inches long.

He was born screaming and he peed the moment he was lifted from my womb. :)


Joey's 1st Picture

Wiping his feet after taking his foot prints.

Mommy meets Baby... Priceless

Father & Son

First family picture

In the NICU, about to be bathed.

He looks so much like me here.

Last day in the NICU in an Open Crib.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Happy Birth Day!

Good Morning!
It's 4:00am and my eyes burn but my mind has been going 200 mph non-stop since last night. I didn't think we were ever gonna get to sleep. But when I woke up to make one of the last middle-of-the-night-pit-stops I was glad, because that meant I actually did get a wink of sleep.

I can't believe its here. In just a few hours we are going to welcome a new baby into this world. I've been (Im)patiently Waiting My Turn for so long, and well folks it seems like its finally my turn. I am estatic, there really aren't any words to describe. But I will say that, the way I feel right now awaiting the moment of arrival for our baby, I wish this on every fellow sister infertile. I wish this on my best friends on-line & off. But most of all and with ALL my heart, I wish this on each and every one of you readers that read faithfully (even those that don't) but that wish this on themselves too.

Since I'm not taking my laptop to the hospital, because I'm sure my hubby is gonna be to busy to keep an eye on it. I thought I'd let you all know again that we both are so thankful for your support, kind words and encouragement. Its been a journey, to say the least, but my sanity IS because I have a place to vent, and friends to listen and pick me up. Thanks for everything along the way, and thanks for helping us welcome our son into this world.

Love always,
Mr. & Mrs. Richard & Jennie
the soon to be proud parents of
Joseph Michael Gonzales

Today our 3 special little angels in Heaven will sing a joyful song.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

This is it.

Our little get together went really well, my parents, in-laws, BIL & family and sister & family came over. Our priest arrived around 9:00am and we began the morning in prayer. It was really nice. He placed his hand on my head and blessed me, then placed a hand on my belly to give our son a blessing and right when he did he caught a nice little kick. We all had our heads bowed, and when I felt the kick it broke my concentration and made me smile. But that's ok, because when I peeked over at the priest he was still mid-smile too. After the blessings I received the Eucharist, and it felt so cleansing. It had been so long since I've received it, I almost forgot how much I missed it. It really gave me the push I was needing to get through these last few days. Before the priest left he blessed everyone here in prayer, and he walked from room to room to blessing our house. He couldn't stay very long because he had Mass to deliver at the church, so we packed him a plate to go. My goodness did we have a lot of food here. My MIL made homemade tortillas, a fresh pot of beans, and eggs & chorizo (Mexican sausage). My dad made barbacoa & langua (beef & cow tongue), guacamole and fresh salsa. My sister made pancakes & banana pancakes. My BIL brought over empanadas, pan dulce (Mexican sweet bread & pastries) a chocolate cake and a double crusted apple pie... I could go on & on, it was all SO good. We all ate, visited and it turned out to be a nice little family get-together.

Yesterday I had my last OB appt. It was a long one, but it went well. We basically went over all the plans for the c-section & after care. We also did a Group B Strep screening. I tested positive with my previous pregnancy so I'm sure this time will probably be positive again, but either way I'm sure to be given antibiotics just in case.

And today I had an appt at the hospital to get registered, sign all consents, blood draw, ect. I did get to speak with the anesthesiologist, and got the run down about what's gonna happen tomorrow. So now we're all set. I have to be at the hospital tomorrow morning at 5:30am and we're having our baby boy at 7:30am. I just can't believe its finally here... I can't seem to wrap my brain around it, it so funny. I'm ready, really excited a bit little nervous (not to much though) but it just doesn't seem real. I'm having a baby. I, I am having a baby. I AM having a baby... I really am gonna have a baby.... I could say it a million times and still it doesn't seem real. And tomorrow is the big day! I try to think of what this is gonna be like and I just can't imagine what its gonna to feel like to hold him, and to hear his little cry.

Ok, I'm gonna stop before I start crying. (whew)

Ok gals. I better go now. By tomorrow afternoon I'm gonna try to get a pic posted, if there's not one here yet then check the comments and I'll have Jenna post the stats for you all.

Wish me luck.

See ya on the flip side!