Monday, July 16, 2007

3D ultrasound

Saturday morning we did our normal morning dr. appointment ritual. We stopped by the donut shop for donuts & chocolate milk, since that's what seems to get our little one bouncing around (which makes for a fun ultrasound.) Then once we were at my Dr.'s office and started the ultrasound she noticed 2 things, 1. He was facing my spine, so all we could see was the back of his head & spine. And 2. He was asleep! That little stinker. All that sugar, and he was still asleep. So she pushed on my belly to give him a little tap on his feet to try to stir him, and he kicked back but was not showing any signs of being ready to wake up. He had his hands behind his head and looked so relaxed. Finally after about an hour he turned a little to where we could see his face, and she was able to get a few pics, but not very clear ones. So, she didn't charge us and she is going to call me sometime this week to reschedule another 3D ultrasound for Friday or Saturday so fingers crossed that he'll be awake and will cooperate. So here they are. They're not as clear as what they could be. Hopefully next week I'll have some better ones.

Here he's a little covered, but you can still see some of his face.
Looks like he's doing the "Elvis lip!"

Little sleepy head.

Oh those cute little cheekies

He gave us a little smile, I love this one!


greyladybg said...

Oh my goodness, he is beautiful. Especially the first and third pictures are so clear! I am so excited for you and having been praying for you, husband, and baby. Thanks so much for your support and I will be sure to post later this week once I get home and feel up to it! ~Sarah

Sporty said...

OMG Jennie! What a little doll!!!! I love the pics and can't wait to see the new ones!

Thanks for sharing!

Kirsten said...

Soooo cute!!! It will be so neat to compare him to those when he is born! I've got a couple of 3D pics of one of my girls and I'm still trying to figure out which one it is!
Donuts and chocolate milk...mmmmm!!! I'm still letting myself splurge a bit while I am recovering and that just sounds TOO good :)

hammygirl said...

Awwwww! What cute pics!

Anonymous said...

Oh My God - what a beautifl little boy!!! Those ultrasounds are amazing - and how exciting - you get to go again!!!!
Fantastic!!! He is so so beautiful!!!