Friday, July 20, 2007

MRI & ultrasound 4/19

Yesterday I had my appointment at Tx Children’s Hospital for an ultrasound & fetal MRI. The ultrasound was first. Before we started the u/s tech asked what all is going on with this pregnancy that we already know of. I told her I have a cerclage (stitches placed in wk 10) in my cervix, I’ve had 2 episodes of unexplained bleeding (in wk 15 & 16), strict bed rest for 13 weeks (w/7 more to go), I have 3 fibroids in my uterus, we know that there is velamentous insertion of the cord, and we just found out there is a mild case of ventriculomegaly. She stopped, glared over at me with this smirk and said sarcastically, “So you’ve had an EASY pregnancy, haven’t you?!” I was like yeah, REAL easy. My SIL went in with me, and got to see her nephew-to-be. Of course he had to be in a position where we couldn’t get the measurements that we needed, so she just moved on to measure other parts of him. He was head down, way down in my pelvis, facing towards my back. After about an hour into the ultrasound she was done looking at everything else. So in order to finish the scan she had to measure his head, but the only way to get that measurement was to stand up, and press the u/s probe deep into my pelvis. It hurt so bad. I told her it hurt and she apologized and continued to dig the probe deeper, as if she needed to get under my pubic bone. I could feel the tears wallowing up in the corners of my eyes, it hurt so bad. I took the pain as long as I could and she finally stopped not a minute to soon. She stepped out and got the Dr. to review the pics she took. He then proceeded to rescan and thank God, he was so SO very gentle. And my baby must have appreciated his kindness because he moved a little to face us and we were able to finish the scan.

Once that was done it was time for the MRI. It took about 45 minutes, and it was very uncomfortable. The tones & beeps were so loud it vibrated my insides and it stirred him up inside. The nurse doing the scan kept chiming in telling me to try to stay extra still, and I was, but my baby was moving around so much my belly was moving. It was so hard to stay still for that long, but we made it. I got dressed and the Dr. came in and said if he didn’t call me tomorrow he’d see me Tuesday to review the results. (My appt to get the results had to be rescheduled to Tues. 7:30am) He also told me that he didn’t have exact measurements yet from the u/s or the MRI, but that just looking at the images with the naked eye, but trained eye, he didn’t see an amount of fluid that looked extreme. He said, “IF there is ventriculomegaly, it is defiantly a mild case.” So that made me feel somewhat better, we’ll just have to wait and see what’s to come on Tuesday. Hopefully only good news.

p.s. Today at 4:30 we're going back to my MFMD's office for another try at a 3D u/s.


Jenn said...

I hope all results turned out wonderful. Please give us an update when you can and some more sono pics if possible - I love seeing them!!!

Stay strong! Just a few more weeks to go.

greyladybg said...

Sounds like that was a reassuring appt. I can't wait for an update. I have to tell you that I went back and read your first post and cried reading your story. You definitely deserve this pregnancy and I hope the last few weeks go smoothly!

Liz said...

Praying that all goes well and that the next couple of weeks go smoothly.