Wednesday, August 01, 2007

31st week - Baby's Name

As used to it as I should be by now, every week that passes is still so amazing to me. Today we're 31 weeks along and I am so thankful to God that He has blessed us with another week. This week also marked my 15th week on bedrest, which I must admit is now a little easier with the thought in mind that we just have 5 more weeks to go.

Baby update: He's now weighing 3 lbs 9 ounces, and is still head down face down. His movements in utero have changed so much these last two weeks. For the most part he is pretty calm, and his movements were gentle. But these last two weeks he's kicked it up a notch and is showing me that he is getting to be pretty strong. Yesterday my SIL & niece came over to visit and he happened to have the hiccups and they lasted probably a good 15 minutes. My niece sat next to me in bed and had her hand on my belly to feel him hiccup for a while. She thought I could help him get rid of the hiccups by drinking water or by holding my breath but I had to tell her that wouldn't help, they'd go away on their own in time.
As far as our son's name, we have named him but have chosen to keep it somewhat of a surprise. So to all yall in blogland, hang in there just 5 more weeks until its revealed. However, I will say that we have chosen to honor our angel son Erik Michael and have chosen to give this baby the same middle name, Michael. And with St. Michael being the Patron Saint of protection, we saw it to fit him well since we know he is being watched over by angels.
But that's the only clue yall get for his name. :)


greyladybg said...

I love baby hiccups! I hope these last five weeks go quickly and smoothly. Soon your little unknown first name Michael will be in your arms! God Bless!

Kirsten said...

I meant to leave a comment on your last've been through SO much with Erik and now his little brother but your spirit and positivity is amazing; I love it! You are taking everything in stride and, as you know, God doesn't give us more than we can handle. I wish that we both could have had ideal pregnancies (and conceptions!) but it's all about how you handle the loops along the way and you are doing awesome. I know you are worried but I just know your baby boy is going to be fine. There are so many "what-if's" along the way for any are doing exactly what you need to do to provide the best environment for your baby now and I know you guys are going to be wonderful parents when he arrives. 15 weeks of bedrest is quite a feat, I could barely stand to think of doing 1 week!!!
I can't wait to find out the name but I definitely think Michael is perfect. He does have many angels watching over him, as do you :)

Jenna said...

I can't believe 15 weeks on bedrest and only 5 more weeks till he is here! I can't wait to see him for the first time. I wonder so much about what he will look like.. I wonder if he will take after his big brother!

Jenn said...

I just read the updates and I am praying that your little boy will be ok. You are such an inspiration to everyone who reads - I know God is watching out for you.

I agree - don't give away the name- who wants to hear everyone's opinion about it anyway! LOL - I love that you are honoring Eric with the middle name.

Stay Strong!

Anonymous said...

I havent been able to read your blog as much as I used to so catching up tonight was nice. I am in tears now that you told us the lil guys middle name. I can not wait to SEEEEE him. My goodness. You have worked so hard for him and sacrificed so much. I cant wait until you are holding him in your arms with his lil eyes looking up at his Momma and Dadda. Ok.. in tears again.

Sporty said...

I am so happy that you are now at 31 weeks! Every week is such a milestone and I am so happy for you. You are such a strong woman and I am so proud of you!

I think it is great that you are honoring Eric by using the name Michael with this precious little boy. I am sure that Eric is a VERY proud big brother.

You and the little one are remaining in my thoughts and prayers. Take care....