Monday, August 20, 2007


Today we're 33 wks 5 days. I tell ya, time is really starting to fly by...

I had an appt this morning with my Maternal Fetal Med. Dr. and it went well. During the ultrasound this little boy was soooo active. His heartbeat was 161 bpm, and he is now weighing a nice 4 lbs 13 oz. Just little 3 ounces shy of FIVE pounds! I really didn't expect him to be so big, I was thinking/hoping he'd be a little over 4 but had no idea he'd be pushing 5. That was definitely a pleasant surprise. My MFMD said that if my Ob schedules our c-section at 36wks, than this was my last ultrasound. If she schedules it to be done at 37wks then we'll have one more ultrasound.

So tomorrow I have an appointment with my Ob, and we're gonna set our date. I'm so, sooo excited. Its taken me quite some time, but now that we're rearing the end of this pregnancy I'm finally excited, and anxious to have our baby. I mean, we've wanted a baby for so long, but with our last 3 years of trying, dealing with IF and experiencing 3 losses it took us a long time to accept that a live baby could actually be born at the end of this pregnancy. We were taking this pregnancy day by day, and just accepting that with our past we were scared into being cautious about opening our heart. I finally feel that my heart is completely opened to him and we have fallen in love with him and I have to say it feels so good. For us to finally be able to love opened heartedly with no caution behind it... It really does feel so good.

I just pray to God that the love and faith that we have in Him will continue to carry us through to the end of this journey, so we can start the next.

1 comment:

greyladybg said...

34 wks and 1 day! That's awesome!
The next time you see your son hopefully it will be in your arms!