Wednesday, October 17, 2007

6wk Postpartum

I just got back from my 6wk postpartum/post-op appt. For the most part, it went well.

We talked about contraceptive options since we're not currently TTC and little did I know that the MTHFR (one copy of C677T gene mutation) that I have is going to cut back my options. I have to call and schedule an appointment with a Hematologist to discuss what he suggests I do/take without putting myself at to much risk for blood clotting. So my options are good ole condoms (ummm NO!), an IUD (Mir.ena or Pe.raGard), Progestin-Only BCP, or Tubal Ligation (which I'm not ready to commit to.) So until I talk to the Hemotologist, it looks like condoms are our only option. Crap! Oh well, I guess its better than nothing. Dr. orders we've abstained since December, so its been more than 10 months without sex. So tonight we're turning off the TV early, switching the ringers off on the house phone and we're gonna have ourselves a little alone time. That is If/When Joey decides to go to sleep. Gah, I hope he sleeps...

Anywho... I don't think I've mentioned it yet but tomorrow I have an ultrasound. Obviously, not the fun kind either. I'm going in for an ultrasound on my chest. This week I've had 3 "attacks" and from what I'm gathering it might be my gallbladder. The attacks are severely painful, honestly it is more painful than labor pain and c-section incision pain. My appointment is at 9:00am so I'll have to chime yall in once I find out what's happenin. Today my Ob said that its not uncommon for a woman's gallbladder to start acting up after she's given birth. In fact, that's when BOTH my SIL's gallbladders acted up. They've both had to have their gallbladders removed, and I'm thinking that's the path I'm headed towards. However, one of my SIL's told me to take care of it before it becomes an emergency situation because if its not an emergency the incisions are done w/laser and are tiny and the healing time is short. If I let it get outta hand, and it becomes an emergency then I will end up with a nice incision as big as my c-section incision. And I'll be damned if I have another incision as big as my c-section open up on me again. My husband will down right divorce me (and I don't blame him) before he has to stuff his hand in my stomach again to stuff a wound.

On to other things:
Joey is doing good, we're having a small run in with Thrush, but nothing to major. I have to give him his medicine 4x a day, and he's not liking the taste of it. I'll give him his meds and he spits it out. I had NO IDEA a 6 wk old (2 wk old if he was at term) baby knew how to spit something out. Its the funniest thing. I shoot the meds in his mouth and almost instantly I hear him "Pfffft Pffffffffft Pffft" and his chin is yellow and sticky from the medicine running down. I couldn't help myself so I tasted a tiny bit of it, and it doesn't taste like anything but maybe a little sugar but not much. Either way, Joey isn't taking a liking to it but we gotta do what we gotta do. Another thing we're noticing is that he's starting to get Cradle Cap. Or what I call Cradle Crap. Its not bad yet, its just a little gummy on his soft spot. So I'm washing his hair while using his baby hair brush and hopefully that'll help some.

The other Not so good thing about Joey: His Pediatric Neurologist called yesterday and told me that his lab work that was drawn came back and he has TWO copies of the MTHFR gene mutation. I'm not sure what that means, but now we're having to make him an appt with a Pediatric Hematologist to discuss what's next and how he will be treated.


Kirsten said...

Good luck with the ultrasound...that is crazy that now you have to deal with that on top of everything else!! I hope it goes well and, most importantly, you get rid of the pain.
And I share your feelings on condoms...ick!! We were supposed to use them the first month I started back on BCP but didn't and I just had this feeling it'd be our luck I'd get naturally pregnant just after having twins...but not yet!!!
Enjoy your night :)

Jenn said...

It sounds like you are rolling with the punches. Thrush sucks - Joey had it when he was a few months old and he hated the medicine as well.

For the cradle cap - while I was washing the babies head I used the comb on it to loosen it up a bit and then rinsed it out - baby oil seemed to make it worse. It doesn't bother them but as a mother - it will drive you crazy!!!

As far as birth control - excuse me for being crude but - we use the old "pull and pray" (I admit without the "pray" part - lol).

Good luck to you!

Good luck to you!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jennie!

Glad to know things are going good. Hope last night was easy to get some alone time.

I have the blood clotting issue also so BC is also a problem. Condoms... ick.. Diaphram.. is ok.. but not ideal.
I was going to get the paraguard since my insurance covers it (it is 700 for the device alone) but the way it is prescribed is weird and I would have to put the money out first. Um no. I dont trust anyone enough with 700 bucks of mine. So we use the good ole pull and pray method (umm that is how Jake got here.. opps)

THrush.. it is ok that he is spitting it out. It just needs to go in his mouth.. doesnt need to really get into his belly. Jonathan had it twice at Joeys age. It stinks. When you give it to him, try and put the syringe on the side of his mouth and then blow in his face afterwards. It makes him have to swallow. LOL. Poor kids.

Jaimie said...

I just bought this stuff and I can't remember the name of it to save my life and it is all the way up stairs for craddle cap and it has totally helped. Jake's starts at his eyebrows and doesn't stop until three fourths the way down the back of his head. It has been terrible too. I used this stuff once and it is SOO much better. It was about $7 for a not very big bottle but I decided to try it anyway and I am glad.

I had to get my gallbladder out while I was pregnant. I work in surgery so I know that it is fairly common to have to have done but it didn't make me feel any better about having surgery while pregnant. It went well and I felt so much better. It is extremely common to have problems with the gallbladder when you have significant changes in the body - weight changes (loss or gain) in particular. We do a lot of post partum lap choles. We don't use a laser though. My incisions aren't the prettiest because I don't scar well and mine were under tension (that giant baby), but the largest is 1 inch long and the other three are about half an inch. Gallbladders are stinkers too. They can be really irritating and then they can also be life-threatening. It is good to get them taken care of before they reach the latter!

Sharee said...

Hey friend ... hope you are staying optimistic through all of this drama. It sometimes seems as if the adventure never stops, eh? I truly do know the feeling.

For cradle cap, I used good ole fashioned vaseline. Dab it on and use a 4X4 bandage (or a soft textured rag) to wipe it off. Constant hair washing only seemed to dry out Zo's skin. After that healed up, we had the baby acne to contend with. I didn't realize how vain I was about my baby's looks until that acne broke out all over his face! Just being honest, we spent a lot of time at home!

I'm in a bind about the whole BC issue, too. I don't like the pill, but know my body cannot handle another pregnancy right now. So we use condoms. If you have the heart for it ... try NFP ... I'm planning to look into it myself.