Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Oct. 3rd

Jenna- Thanks for the encouragement (we talked on the phn) and thanks for the links.
Kirsten- Thanks for the comment, I don't see myself as a super mom yet. Just a mom that wants the best for her son. But if that makes me a Super Mommy, than I'll take it! :)
Dee- Thanks for your input too, God I had no idea BFing would be this hard. But if its just not meant to be, then it its just not meant to be. Thanks for the support.
Jenn- Thank you too. Sharing your experiences w/BFing makes me feel A LOT more normal and not so much like a failure.
Lauren- Thank you too for sharing your experiences w/BFing. It IS an intimate decision, I think I need to pray about this to help find my answer.
Sarah-Thank you for your kind words & support. I really needed to hear it from someone that I'm not making a selfish decision not to BF. (p.s. I emailed you the incision pictures)

I love you guys, I really do. If yall haven't noticed it about me, I'm the type of gal that wears my heart on my sleeve and I really do take to heart the comments that are left on my blog. So thank you all so much for your help and support. For the meantime, I'm gonna try to continue to BF, and before I give in and give up I've promised myself I'd contact a lactation consultant for one last good shot at it.

Looking at my ticker (which I need to delete & update) I see that today is my Due Date. Joseph is now full term... Wow. I still can't believe he's here and I'm not sure when that will finally set in. Everyday I look at him and think of how lucky and blessed we are.

Tomorrow morning (10-4-07) at 8:30am Joey has an appointment with his Pediatric Neurologist at TX Children's Hospital. Earlier this week I went to ClearLake hospital (where I delivered) and got his MRI images put on a CD, from the MRI that was done after he was born. I'm taking the CD tomorrow so we can compare them with the MRI images from when he was diagnosed w/Schizencephaly (that brain anomaly) at 30wks gestation. I'm thinking they're going to want to do a 3rd MRI... But we'll see how that goes tomorrow wish us luck.

(Mental note: Don't forget tomorrow is my sister's 3 year wedding anniversary) My sister is 24, married 3 years with two boys-a 2 year old and a 5 month old... Gah, what it would be like to be young again but with no fertility issues. Lucky biotch!

Ok. Its getting late I better go.


Jaimie said...

It seems like nursing your baby should be such a "natural" thing doesn't it? It isn't at all. It is a lot of work. I didn't consider doing anything BUT breastfeeding my baby and then suddenly nothing was going how I thought it would.

Jake had meconium aspiration and had respiratory distress for days. When I tried to latch him on after he was first born he would O2 sats would drop the few times he would actually latch on so we would have to pull him off. We kept trying and I asked for help and it didn't feel like I was getting any (I wasn't). After much frustration Jake was taken to NICU for eight days when he was about 20 hours. At that time they said I needed to start pumping every three hours and gave me a pump kit but no further instruction. I have never done this before! To make matters worse all the babies in the NICU were being breastfed so I had to fit to even use a pump.

I have already made this a long story. But anyway, my son was getting gavage feedings of formula and I was trying like hell to get my milk to come in. It made a huge difference when the lactation educator came back from vacation. She helped me a lot and taught me what the others should have. It took awhile but and I had to suppliment him with formula for awhile and then pumped milk, but we got it. He had got nice and lazy with the bottle nipples but now we are doing well. I had to nurse through a silicone shield for a long time because of his nipple issues, but we are finally down to using the shield less than 10% of the time. I have felt very discouraged a lot, but we have made it. Whatever you do or have decided isn't wrong. This has been a struggle but I will tell you that I absolutely love the time I spend nursing my five week old.

Nurse Lochia said...

It's too bad that breastfeeding isn't always such an easy thing. I wonder how the animals do it? Do they have the problems we do? Anyway, hang in there. Like what everyone else has said, don't feel guilty if you quit breastfeeding. You may actually feel relieved when that stress is gone. Good luck if you decide to stick with it. A good lactation consultant can work wonders! I almost quit breastfeeding my first after 3 weeks because it hurt so bad, but after chatting with the Lact. Cons. things got much easier and I was able to continue. And I'm so sorry about your incision! I can't even imagine what that had to have been like for you.