Tuesday, October 23, 2007

PooPoo & FooFoo baby shower

Yesterday I took my little man to see his Pediatrician because he wasn't feeling good. He had been inconsolably crying for hours and wouldn't sleep unless he was swaddled tightly and in my arms. (Slightly TMI) Over the weekend he became constipated and yesterday his tummy felt bloated. I talked to the Dr Saturday and he told us to do 2 things. One, sit him in a bath of warm water with a little baking soda. Supposedly the baking soda is to relax his little...um... **whispering** ana.l sphin.cter. And he also told me to give him 1 ounce of baby apple juice or baby prune juice a day until "it" happens. We did both and neither worked. Three days of non-stop crying and I'm exhausted mentally & physically, and my poor baby is too. It makes me so sad to hear his painful cry, its a helpless feeling. Sunday morning at 5:30am he finally cried himself to sleep. I couldn't put him down because he'd start crying again, so we slept together in the recliner. Anything to get him to stop crying, and to sleep. Sunday and Monday night, same thing. We camped out in the recliner together and got a little more sleep. So the Dr. told me I could give him 1/4 of a Pedi-glycerin suppository twice a day or until "it" softens. We did it, and it worked. And I don't think there was ever a time in my life when I was this happy to see poopoo. lol.

At the appointment Joey was weighed, and my little guy is now a 9 pounder! I was thinking he was 8 and some change. But he is 9 lbs. 1.5 oz.

Well this weekend my mom & sister are throwing us a baby shower/meet the baby. Its gonna be so much fun. Its gonna be a Co-ed party and all of my aunts, uncles & cousins are coming. My dad is BBQing, and my sister has some games planned that sound so much fun. I can't wait! AND!!!!!! Next weekend my SIL's & MIL are throwing us a baby shower. This one is gonna be more "foo foo" and traditional, you know ladies only (and Joey too), hor' devours and cake that kind of stuff.


Kirsten said...

Chayse and Landry have been dealing with the same issues. Have you tried gently pushing his legs into his chest back and forth? It did the trick for Landry (twice!) the other day. Just helps keep things loose in there. We also used suppositories on them when they were a couple of months old and they worked wonders...I couldn't believe how fast they work! And, Little Tummys makes a laxative drop now. I tried it the other day with Landry and it worked, too. Babies R Us has all Little Tummys products for buy one get one free right now!
The shower sounds like fun! It'll be so great to have everyone around to meet Joey. D's family is all meeting our girls this weekend, too!

Jenn said...

WELCOME TO MOTHERHOOD!!! Your first poo story! I am so proud! LOL - It is your first...and certainly won't be your last poo story!!!

Remind me to tell you about the time that my daughter stripped naked and then proceded to poop on the carpet like a dog!

The showers sound like a lot of fun! Can't wait to see pics!