Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Guns & Valentine's Day, don't mix

I work for the utility company, and my group of guys work in the field turning customer's power off for those that move out and/or didn't pay their bill. They do turn-on's too, but anyway. The guys normally call me on the radio after each disconnect for non-payment, so I can start processing the work order. This morning I got a distrubing call over the radio. One of my guys is yelling "CALL THE POLICE, THIS GUY HAS A GUN!!! CALL THE POLICE!" I run to my bosses office so they can hear what's going on, I get his location and ask him if he is able to leave the location. Thank God, he was able to. We call the police, and are now working on police reports. MY GOD! I'm still shaking. I have a such great group of guys, I'd never want anything to happen to any of them. I love them like my brothers. Its so scary to think of what could've happened. My heart is RACING!

It makes me so mad. ALL THIS, just because a fu^kin idiotic customer didn't pay his bill, and didn't want to get disconnected for non-payment! GAH! My guys are just doing their job.
It doens't take a rocket scientiest to know that when you don't pay your light bill, you're gonna get cut off.

**sigh** What a day.

OK. Now that I've vented that off.

Happy Valentine's Day, ladies.

I hope your day is filled with lots of love and chocolates!


1 comment:

Sporty said...

I'm glad the ketones are gone!

Sorry that you had to go through all of that on Valentines. I am also glad that no one was hurt. People are crazy...and unfortunately there isn't a lot we can do about that.

I hope that you had a nice Valentines with Richard!

Can't wait to hear how your u/s was! Take care.