Friday, February 02, 2007


I can't believe I'm saying this, but we got GOOD NEWS! This is total surprise to me, it really is. I'm so excited I can't breathe, much less type. Dr. called at 3:45 to tell me that today my hcg is 1,359. I asked what it should be around, and she said over 900-1,000 is ideal.

I can't believe this. I'm absolutely floored. I wasn't expecting good news. I had already given up, surrendered my worry & stress over to God, and prepared myself for the worst. I am speechless... It's completely beyond me how my baby and my body, managed to pull through this.

Oh dear Jesus, I don't have enough words to express my appreciation I have for all those that were, and still are praying for us. The power of prayer is amazing.
God is Good. God IS Good.


Oh, and the ultrasound is scheduled for Thursday 9:00am. By then I should be 6wks 1 day, and we should be able to detect a heartbeat. YAY!


Anonymous said...

God is so good!! This is amazing! Congrats, when is the u/s?

Kirsten said...

Oh my gosh, I am SOOO happy for you!! I have been checking and was worried. That is excellent news!! You deserve a big celebration this weekend!!

Kellie with an "ie" said...

Jennie, I just got home and went straight to the computer to see if you'd posted news about your results. I startled my husband by shouting "Yeah baby!" in a most unladylike way when I saw your good news. Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

What great news!!!! I am so excited for you!!! I am grinning ear to ear right now!!!! I can't wait to see sono pics!!! God is SO Good!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is awesome news!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!! I will continue to pray for you and this precious little one!!!!

So wonderful!!!

Jemmers :)