Thursday, February 08, 2007


Have we got some catching up to do. I've been away from my computer, hence the absence of my updates, because Tuesday morning I began spotting. It wasn't a lot, but definitely enough to scare the daylights out of us. (possible tmi) By Wednesday the spotting turned into light brown only when I wiped so that gave us a little hope that everything could still be ok. I put myself on strict bed rest for those 2 days, and waited for my appointment. RE said we couldn't come on any earlier because it might have been to early to see a heartbeat, and that wouldn't ease our fears. So this morning Richard and I went into my RE's office for my first ultrasound and Thank God, our little one has a heartbeat. The ultrasound tech assured us there was only one little guy in there, but that next week we'll do another ultrasound to make sure no one was hiding, and to make sure our little guy is still doing well. We measured 6 weeks 1 day today, right on track. The heartbeat was a little on the low side 103 bpm, but she said it could be because the heart just starting beating a few days ago, and sometimes it takes a little while for it to strengthen. So my next ultrasound is scheduled for Thursday 2/15.

On the not-so-good side of things, I got scolded for not drinking enough water and not eating enough food. My Dr. said it is bad enough that I could be admitted to the hospital if I wanted to. She's giving me till Monday to "get my act together", and if I don't prove that I can do better than I am, I'm in trouble and may need to be admitted. In all honesty, I don't have any kind of an appetite. I know I have to drink lots of water and I am, just not enough. I drink water and get nauseas, so when I do eat I just eat a little. She put me on: Antibiotics for bladder infection and one Ensure drink a day with high calorie & high protein diet. The other not-so-good thing is that I'm hyper-stimulated my ovaries, which is the cause to my severe bloating. I have TONS of 50mm and over residual cysts. Its so bad that my ovaries are actually touching! In the ultrasound she couldn't see where one ovary ended and the other began. So she said in time the pregnancy hormones should shrink them down. It could take a while, so take it easy. No lifting anything over 5 lbs, no exercising, no climbing stairs, no shopping, just to work and home. And we have to abstain. Richard was there and boy did he have his ears on. It was funny because at times during the instructions he'd look at me, and knod his head like, "You listening?!" So I know he's gonna be in mega-strict mode with me. Which is a good thing. He cares.

So we left the Dr.'s office with a book of what-not's and what-to's, my Rx, and a cute little baby picture. Oh, and a BIG smiles on our faces.

So here is what we've been waiting for. Sorry, its a bit fuzzy.
I don't have a scanner at work, so I took this pic on my cell phone.

Baby's First Picture


Kirsten said...

Grrr...I just left a LONG comment and it didn't go through!!!!!
Anyway; I am so glad you got a picture of your little bean, I see it in there!!! Sounds like you've had quite a scare though so stay off your feet!!!!
And I know what it's like about not having an appetite. Usually, only one thing sounds good to me and it's totally random. Like, today, all I want to eat is Kettle Chips. So I bought a whole bag. The thought of anything else makes me want to gag. I'm trying to do better on water, too, because it's usually the only thing I can drink...everything else is too sweet. Yeesh. I guess we can make a pact to do better together!!!!
My next u/s in on the 16th so we've both got an exciting week : )

Kellie with an "ie" said...

Jennie, I couldn't be more thrilled for you. I'm sorry you had a little scare - I know you'll be nervous for a while, but YEAH! A heartbeat! I can't wait for more updates. I read lots of IF blogs but for some reason I feel a real affinity with you. I'll be thinking about you and checking in often!