Monday, February 12, 2007

No Ketones

Friday evening my family came over to visit. We ate ice-cream and played games all evening together, it was so much fun. Saturday and Sunday I laid around the house all day, like I do every weekend, on bed rest.

This morning I got up early for my RE appt. Well it really wasn't an appointment, I just had to go in and leave a urine sample to see if I still had ketones in my urine. I got a call around 11:30 saying my urine tested clear. I no longer have ketones in my urine, which means I'm now getting enough protein & carbs, and I'm drinking enough water. Gosh, I'm such a good girl. I have been working really hard at trying to drink my 64 oz. a day, 48 oz. of other fluids, and drinking my daily Ensure. Then trying to eat healthy meals. Its hard, but I'm not complaining. The morning sickness is all day, but I haven't "tossed my cookies" yet so I'm doing well. I thought I was this morning, but somehow managed to kept my mind off it till it went away.

Preggo Tip: If your Dr. puts you on an Ensure a day, put a little milk in it. It makes it MUCH easier to drink. You can even mix the Vanilla Ensure with milk and pour it into your favorite cold cereal. MMmm. Oh, and now they have Ensure snacks. Not all grocery stores carry them, our H-E-B does but Wal-mart doesn't.

3 more days till my next ultrasound. I'm hoping we'll be able to hear our litle one's heartbeat, it may still be to early, but we'll see.


Kellie with an "ie" said...

Only TWO DAYS till your ultrasound! I am so excited for you, and will be sending you lots of good wishes that day.

Thanks so much for your wonderful comment to my most recent post. I know there is nothing that anyone else can do to "fix" the things in my life that are currently frustrating me. There are even some things that I can't do anything about right now. But just to know that there is someone out there listening and understanding and taking the time to reach out - it means the absolute world to me.

I appreciate you and am glad you're in my life!

Kirsten said...

Good job! I think you have me beat...I'm only drinking about 24 oz. of water a day and that's doing good for me!!! I am trying to drink it at meals now (I was drinking pink lemonade for the first few weeks).
I can't wait to read about your ultrasound!

Liz said...

Sorry I haven't called to congratulate you...the twins are keeping me very busy. I was so happy to hear your news. Praying things go well for you...enjoy every minute of it.

Can't wait to hear about the u/s.