Monday, June 26, 2006


So Friday's blood work showed that my Estrogen level was low (38) so my RE increased my dose of Gonal F. I'm now taking 150iu, instead of 75iu. Its just a matter of me injecting the saline into 2 powders, instead of one. So its not so bad.

I have an appointment on Tuesday 6/27/06 for more lab work and an ultrasound to check the follicle progress. I pray that all is well. So far I feel ok, no side effects yet, I'm just anxious.

My job is getting really stressful. I hope I'm coping with it well enough to not let it effect this cycle, because nothing is more important to me right now than to have this cycle work.

1 comment:

Jenna said...

I am sorry that work is getting even more stressful!

I hope that this weekend was good for both of us in the stress department! I had so much fun!