Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Two Good

So this morning I went in for my RE appt. She drew some more blood work, and brought me in to have another ultrasound. And to much surprise, my ovaries made me proud.

Right Ovary:
1-19mm follie
1-18mm follie
1-14mm follie
and about 6 little ones about 6-9mm each

Left Ovary:
and about 5 little ones about 6-9mm each

So the nurse said she's gonna talk to my RE and we should getting the Ok to do the trigger shot either tonight, or tomorrow. So I have two good follies. YAY!

So here's the plan if we trigger tonight.
6/28/06 No hanky-panky tonight.
Start taking Estrace 2mg (which is estrogen) 6/28-7/17

Thursday-Sunday 6/29-7/1
Make love, and lots of it!

Start progesterone (vag. suppositories) 7/3-7/17
1 in morning-1 at night

Thursday 7/6 Mini Dose of hCG

Monday 7/10 Schedule Progesterone blood test & consult w/ RE

Monday 7/17 Pregnancy Test!

I'm so excited to have already gotten this far into our first cycle ttc again. Its such a huge step for us.

1 comment:

Jenna said...

Great news!!! I am so excited!!!!
Way to go ovaries!!!!

Was the shot any better last night?