Tuesday, June 20, 2006

RE appt.

I'm starting this blog to document our 4th try at having a baby. My next blog entry will be for those that don't know me and for those that do, and still wanna "refresher". Yesterday I had an RE appt for a baseline ultrasound and lab work. It went well, my ovaries are clear and we got the Ok to start trying again. YAY! I was prescribed Gonal-F, the same dose that we got pregnant on last year. So I went over to the pharmacy to get my Rx filled, and to my surprise my insurance covered over $400 of it. I only had to pay 96 dollars. OMG I was so happy, I wanted to jump over the counter and hug my pharmacist. So last night we started our shots. I talked Richard into giving them to me. They're done intramuscularly so he gave it to me in my hip/love handle area. The shot isn't all the bad, its the medicine that burns when its going in. (So I made him put it in slow.) But I know it’ll be worth it. We have to do 75IU every day this week till Friday. Friday morning I have an appt to check the progress of my follies and if all is on track we’ll then do the trigger shot.I have so much faith and hope right now. God is so good. I know He will bless us all in good time, I just hope its my turn soon. So I'm (Im)patiently waiting my turn...

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