Monday, November 06, 2006

Post-Op appt.

Today's CD40. And I don't know where the heck AF is. I don't even feel her coming, its weird. I'm not so worried about it, I'm just tired of being prepared everyday for nothin'.

At 1:45 this afternoon I have my post-op appt. I'm so anxious, I have TONS of questions.
Like (most importantly) What's Next? I'm wondering if she's gonna suggest going on with an IUI? Or since my fallopian tube(s) was blocked, and the surgery fixed it, if she's gonna suggest one more cycle of Gonal-f injections just for good measure... Either way I'm ok with whatever my RE suggests. I'm just ready to get the show on the road here. With only one more month left in this year, SOMEONE's gotta get the last BFP. And I totally don't mind if its Me! :)

What a weekend. Saturday Richard and I started our Christmas shopping, we did ok. We're done with 2 of our 7 nieces & nephews. We got a long way to go, but I refuse to stress about that. I've got other more important things going on to stress about. And Christmas isn't one of them. Yet.

Yesterday I had a Birthday party at my house for my Dad. He turns 52 today. It was fun, we had a fish fry and had TONS of shrimp. We had Shrimp gumbo, fried shrimp, boiled shrimp, grilled shrimp lol I sound like Bubba Gump! But really we had shrimp prepared just about every way I can think of, just about. It was so good. And my brother & his wife came over to my house for the first time. My brother really liked my house, it made me feel so proud. Then he pissed me off... Ok. When you show someone your house for the first time, do you think its rude for them to ask how much you paid for it? I do. That's like asking my husband, "How much did you spend on the engagement ring or wedding ring?" That's Rude! My response was, "Richard and I haven't told anyone what we paid for our house, not even our parents. Since no one pays our bills or helped us buy it, we keep it between us. But we did get a good deal." I know that probably sounds a bit rude, but its true. I wasn't trying to offend him, and I can understand his curiosity, but there's some things that you just shouldn't ask.

So after all the guests were gone, I was exhausted. I had enough strength to take the trash out so my house wouldn't smell fishy in the morning, while Richard washed the last few dishes.

It was a short weekend because we stayed busy, so this morning was a t-shirt & ponytail day. I'm so tired.

(A bit of TMI)
Oh, and yesterday we broke the abstainance record. lol.
We figured a day before the appt wouldn't hurt anything. Heck, we were good for making it this long without. We deserved a little fun. And it was groundbreaking, leg shaking goooood.

Have a great Monday. I'll update after I get back from my appt.

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