Tuesday, November 28, 2006


CD60, 6:45 yesterday morning I went in for bloodwork. RE confirmed, I'm not pregnant. I wasn't really surprised, cause we didn't think we were anyway. Bad part is, I didn't ovulate. Progesterone was low, crappola! So she Rx'ed me 200mg of Prometrium twice a day on an empty stomach. All my other meds have to be taken w/food, so now I have to carry around pills so I can work them all into some sort of schedule... Anyhow. Prometrium is "micronized progesterone" and is suppose to start my period. I have to take it for 10 days or until I start my period. The side effects listed seem horrible, and I'm trying not to think about them to much and just keep my focus on the positives, I'm just scared. Its like when someone starts talking about head lice, and all of a sudden your head starts itching just thinking about it... Its kinda like that, **as I scratch my head.** So far I feel ok... Last night I got a dizzy spell, but I was already in bed so I was ok. Like I said, I really just gotta stop worrying about what COULD happen so I'm not freakin myself out.

So we had a great Thanksgiving. And an really great Black Friday. I got all my Christmas shopping done. Now we just have to get our christmas tree so I can start wrapping. Which is my favorite part. My mom, sis and I all went shopping together and it was so much fun. We were good girls and didn't snatch anything away from anyone this year (kudos to us) and we didn't have to steal anything from anyone's shopping baskets... Except for a couple of movies, but that doesn't count. We had to. There weren't any more of those movies left that we..um.. borrowed, then decided to buy. But Really, it was so worth getting up early for. Oh! Ohhh! I saw two guys duke-ing it out for a Playstation 3, security kicked both men out of the store and NEITHER one of them got to buy it. It was great!

I can't believe this month is already gone... Geez. Where does the time go?! I guess we'll be doing a December IUI. If I get my visit from AF soon, I should be doing my my IUI around my birthday (December 15th) When I blow out the 26 candles, I guess we all know what my wish will be, probably the same as all you guy's birthday wishes.

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