Friday, June 22, 2007

Clothes, clothes and more clothes

Since all I have is time, I thought I'd take some pics to show yall what we've got so far.

My sister came over and gave me a bag of clothes that my nephew has grown out of. My nephew Lucas is 7 wks old, and that little ham has already grown out of his newborn and 0-3 month clothes. I couldn't believe his has already grown out of 0-3, so my sister tried to put an outfit on him to show me, and he looked stuffed in it. The little snaps were busting open, and in some of the footsies outfits he couldn't stretch his legs out straight. He's just so chubby & cute.

So our little one has got a nice little start. Here's pics of some the stuff she gave me.

Onesies, Mittens & Socks:
These onesies are premie, newborn, and justborn and a couple are 0-3 months
mittens on the left and socks on the bottom.

Gowns & Footsies

Hats and a pair of shoes

And these are the few outfits that I bought (on sale) while we were TTC. Ya know, those "too cute to pass up" kinda deals... Come on, I know I'm not the only infertile that buys stuff for my "future" babies.
Race Car overalls

Hoodie, shirt & pant suit.

(Here's the back of the hoodie) SO CUTE!

"Jungle Friends" romper

And this last outfit we bought when we were pregnant with Erik. There are a few items we're keeping that were just for Erik, but this one we're sharing. This one is daddy's favorite.

Houston Rockets onesie & shorts

(Back of onesie) Go Rockets!


Jenna said...

Love all the clothes.. that really is a lot your sister gave you. I guess she is good for something... ha ha ha....
I am glad you finally posted the pics.. I have been dying to see them. I love those blue ducky socks!

Jenn said...

hopefully your nephew will always be a little bigger than your son - then you will always have hand-me downs. My nephew is two years older than Joey - He always has tons of clothes - it's fantastic!!!

Very cute - the preemie outfits are great to have in the beginning since 0-3 months are usually too big when they are born and you want the baby to look cute when everyone is coming over to see him!

I am glad things are going well. Have a good one.

hammygirl said...

That's a great bunch of clothes you've got to start with there! Soooooo cute!

Kirsten said...

So cute and aren't hand-me-downs just the best?!?!?!? I am already looking forward to the day I can pass some of our stuff down because it's been such a blessing. Looks like you are off to a great start!