Thursday, June 07, 2007

Velamentous Insertion of Umbilical Cord

I had been doing some research online to try to find out exactly what our baby's umbilical cord is doing. I knew the cord wasn't inserted properly, and the risk of fetal demise due to the cord ripping free was a possibility we are up against, but that's all I knew. Well at my last appt I asked more about it. She explained it to me some, and said that we'd have to do a c-section at 36wks (which I have no problem with) and its called Velamentous Insertion of Umbilical Cord.

Well here's what I found online.

Per this site, VIUC is found in 1.1% in singletons and 8.7% in twin pregnancies.

Per this site, the definition of VIUC

Definition of Velamentous insertion of umbilical cord
Velamentous insertion of umbilical cord: An abnormal condition in which the umbilical cord does not insert into the placental mass but, instead, traverses the fetal membranes before it inserts into the umbilical cord. The main danger is vasa previa, a condition in which the blood vessels may be lodged between the fetus and the entrance to the birth canal. The unprotected vessels may rupture at any time during pregnancy, causing fetal hemorrhage and death.

This is all so scary, but I know it could be worse. I'm determined to continue learning as much as I can about this, and I will make it my priority to stay positive and thank God for every day our baby is still with us. We are so blessed to have gotten this far, I've never made it this far in a pregnancy before, and it is through prayers and God's will that we will have a successful pregnancy.


Anonymous said...

I'm a L&D nurse and i've seen several people with velametous insertions and all have had nice healthy babies. I know its a scary diagnosis and its possible to have a bad outcome, but I haven't seen it in 5 years of experience. Hope that makes you feel a little better. :)

Anonymous said...

I just found out two days ago that I too have a velamentous insertion of the umbilical cord. I will hear from the doctor tomorrow about what we will do. I am 36 weeks. Thank you for sharing your experience. It has been so helpful to hear of success with this. Your son is a doll!

Anonymous said...

i have a 4 month old. After going 41 1/2 weeks I delivered vaginally a healthy baby boy. After the biopsy of my placenta they found velamentous insertion- I had many ultrasounds and it never showed up. I did IVF- hope this helps

Anonymous said...

I gave birth in March 2008 to twins - one live and one stillborn. An anutopsy revealed that he died probably due to the (previously undiagnosed) velamentous insertion. I am wondering how common it is for doctors to inspect the cord insertion during ultrasounds.