Friday, August 25, 2006

Cows DO fly!

So this morning I went to my Reproductive Endocrinologist (RE) appointment. I've been praying for two weeks that this ultrasound would show that the monster cyst in my left ovary was gone. The u/s tech started doing the scan and it seemed like she couldn't get to it fast enough. I wanted results NOW! So she inserted, the "wand" and she showed me my uterus, and how the lining was thin because of the bcp. Then she showed me my right ovary, it was clear, I knew that. Then finally. To the left ovary. I took a deep breath, and looked. She was kinda quiet, so I got scared. There IT was, I saw THE cyst. My heart sank a little. She told me if its under 10mm then we wouldn't require surgery. A 10 or more, will have to cancel the next cycle and I'd have to undergo a lap. She started measuring. Come on, come onnnnn....... The suspense was killing me. I sucked my stomach in, as if that was gonna make the cyst look smaller (silly me). "Its an 8mm." YES, thank you Jesus. I let out a huge sigh of relief. I couldn't help but smile through the rest of the scan. At that point I could care less that the dang wand was still in my "cha-cha", it SO didn't matter. I was saved from surgery, whew! And I can stop bcp, wait for AF, and start another cycle of injections. YAYYYYYYYY!!!!! She gave me the prescription, I went next door and the pharmacy didn't open for another 30 minutes. Poop.

Oh well, I started back to work, stopped to get me a breakfast taco, and I saw a hot air balloon. It was so pretty, it was yellow with a blue stripe. Then I saw another hot air balloon, and another, then three more... I was driving closer to them and ended up having to stop because I happened to be driving by the field they were lifting off from. It was beautiful! I saw a wagon shaped balloon for Wells Fargo Bank, and a bottle of syrup balloon for Aunt Jamaima (sp?) syrup. Then I saw this balloon with white with black spots... I wonder what it is... As they were airing it up it looked like a dalmation... Then the utters aired up. LOL Nope not a dog. Its a cow, its a Schepps milk cow! And "she" was huge! I watched "her" get aired up and finally lift off. I thought to myself, "I'll be darned. I have a great dr. appt., get breakfast, and get to see all these beautiful balloons take off. What a morning. " It was so neat. I snapped a few pictures on my phone of the cow being aired up, and of the cow "flying". I really enjoyed it, it was such a great way to start my day. I finally looked down at the time and I had been there for 30 minutes admiring the hot air balloons. That means the pharmacy is open. So I went back, got my meds, and came to work. I got to work at 9:30 but who cares, nothing can bring me down from the "high" I had this morning.

Plan of action:
1. Stop taking bcp and wait 2-5 days for AF to arrive.
2. Once AF arrives, call & leave message with triage line.
3. CD3 start injections.
(This cycle I'll be on 150iu of Gonal-F, injected subcutaniously ((under skin)). My last cycle was done intramuscular ((in muscle)) and my body reacted ok. But since I got preg year doing 150iu subcute, she's gonna have me do that again.)
4. Do injections in my belly fat by my belly button CD3-7 and go in for an u/s to check the progress of follies.
Then we'll go from there.


Jenna said...

I am just so happy !!! YES!! Praise God!!!

Kirsten said...

Awesome news!!! I am so happy that you won't need surgery and can get on with the next phase!!! Sounds like you need a celebration this weekend!!!
Enjoy every moment of it and just know that everything will fall into place. : )

Liz said...

I am so happy that you will be able to start!!!! We'll be rooting for you.