Monday, August 14, 2006

doing a little better

Friday was a really emotional day for me. Getting not-so-good news from my RE, had me in tears all day. After work I went to the cemetary to visit my baby boy. Richard called me after he got off work and he met me there so we could talk about my appointment. Being out there is so peaceful and quiet, its the only place that I feel really, really close to Erik. Just being near my angel's resting place has this soothing calming effect on us. So we talked, I cried, he held me and we prayed. Erik must have felt my need to comfort, because by the time we left I felt peace in my heart. My angel always comes through for me when I need him the most.

Saturday I didn't do anything. I wrapped myself in a blanket, and permanantly implanted my rear to the couch. Richard was such a sweetheart to let me do what I wanted, which was nothing. He worked a couple of hrs in the morning, then he went to the CD store which is about an hour away. When he came home I hadn't moved an inch, and he didn't have a problem with it. I love him.

Sunday was better. We went to Sugarland to a going away party for my cousin. She was offered a 4 yr scholarship for tennis, and she accepted. So today my aunt and her twin sisters are moving her to Tennessee. She seems so young, but she's only 17, and ready to see the world. I don't know if I could've done that, I'm such a home-girl.

Today at work we're having our first cake bake-off. I got home so late from the going away party last night, I was so tired I went to bed. So this morning, everyone brought a cake... Oops Looks like I might have to run out to the store and get drinks or somthing. Oh well.

1 comment:

Kirsten said...

It sounds like you've got one great husband...that's awesome. Going through this with my husband has truly brought us so much closer, I am sure you feel the same.
Oh, and the necklace test...I caved and did it on myself and ended up getting the same results but not as obvious as when the other girl did it. I am going to try it on some of my coworkers that already have kids just to see!!!
A cake bake-off sounds like a great idea! My office has 27 women and most of them bake so we might just have to have one here, too!
I hope you are feeling better about things, please keep us posted.