Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Can't find a heartbeat **** UPDATE ****

I hate to even write this post but, I just got back from my Ob/gyn appt and she wasn't able to find the baby's heartbeat with the doppler. She sent in another girl to try, and no luck. They both tried a second time, and neither one could find it. By then I started to panic. They both left the room, talked for a brief moment then my Ob/gyn came back in and said she's going to send me for an ultrasound to see if the pregnancy is still viable. Trying to fight the lump in my throat, I asked her if I should start worrying... And she said, "No, let's just do the ultrasound and find out for sure what's going on." She called the imaging center and asked for a "pregnancy viability ultrasound needed today ASAP." The soonest they could get me in is 11:45, so I came back to work. I'll be here for an hour, before I have to leave again. I know it wasn't worth my time or fuel to drive all the way back to work, but I know if I stayed out I'd be sitting in some parking lot crying and worrying about what may be. So I came back, just to blog to get this off my chest, and to try to do a little work to occupy my mind for a while.

If the ultrasound goes well, I'll come back & update. If not, I'm going home.

My God, I'm terrified.. please just let this litte baby be ok.


Thank you all for the prayers.

With hope and prayers in my heart, I went in for the ultrasound. And there our little baby was, moving and kicking around so much. And Thank God, we saw a heartbeating. The ultrasound tech couldn't say much, but I did see where she measured the baby and he/or she was measuring exact to date, 11 wks 6 days. Then she pointed out a heartbeat, and tried to measure it but the baby was moving around way to much. She reset the recording like 10 times, and towards the end of each recording the baby would flip around giving us the backside. Finally she got a reading. She didn't give me the baby's heart rate, but she did give me 2 pictures. So with that in mind, if something was wrong I highly doubt she'd give out pictures. But since she did, I'm taking it all is well and I'm feeling really relieved. I'll just have to wait for my Ob/Gyn to call to give me the rest of the details.

My Goodness, that little stinker scared me! The ultrasound tech joking said this little one's middle name should be Trouble-Maker, and I agree!

This rollarcoaster of ups & downs never seems to stop.

Below is one of the ultrasound pictures I got.

Here the baby's arms & hands are up close to his/or her face.



Kirsten said...

Oh my gosh, Jennie. I don't even know what to write. I can only imagine what you must be feeling right now as I am sure you are on your way to the ultrasound. I am sending up many prayers for you right now and throughout the morning.I'm praying we hear back from you today. I am so sorry for this stress but hopefully you will soon find relief.

Sharee said...

Jennie ... I am praying for you and your little one. I'll leave it at that until we know more.


Jenn said...

I am praying for you.

Jessigirl said...

I hope the baby and you are ok. Please let us know soon!

Kellie with an "ie" said...

Jennie, I am so sorry you're going through this. I am praying for you and your baby.

Kirsten said...

Thank God!!
I have been coming back and checking like crazy!!! I'm so glad you got to see the little guy/gal wiggling around in there :)

Sporty said...

I'm glad that you were able to see a heartbeat and the little one moving around all over the place.

You will remain in my thoughts and prayers.

Take care.

Jessigirl said...

What a relief!!!!! God answers prayers!

Jenn said...

Thank God!!! I am so so happy that everything was ok - what a little stinker - write this down to give him/her mother's guilt in 10 years!!!!!


Sharee said...

I made myself wait until now to check back ... I've been lifting you up and can only say that God is good!

If there was a problem, the tech would have gotten the doctor before you left.


Anonymous said...

I couldn't breathe till I got to your update at the end- what a wonderful relief!

Take care :)