Tuesday, March 06, 2007

a lot on my mind.

Thank you all for your support, prayers and well wishes. It means so much to me.

Thanks to God, the ultrasound went great, and I'm back at work!
I got to see our little one in there just wiggling around, just as he (or she) should be. The heartbeat is a wonderful 172 bpm, and the baby is measuring right up to date, 9 wks 6 days. I was so SO SOOO relieved to see that little heartbeat. Its amazing how much the baby has grown in the last 2 wks. I got to see a head, and a growing brain, heart, body, legs and arms. And the baby was moving its little arms and legs, its the sweetest thing. I really hate that Richard missed this ultrasound. I had to really fight back the tears, seeing that precious little life inside me growing and thriving before my very own eyes. This baby has really done wonders for my spirits and faith. He (or she) has already shed so much light into our lives, just being with us.

*******Ultrasound pic below********

The oval on the left is baby's body, circle on the right is baby's head. And the little white things coming out from the middle are baby's arms. In this picture you really can't see its legs, but I got to see them during the scan.


Last night I couldn't sleep. My mind was wondering, and planning each and every senario that could possibly happen at my appointment.
Things on my mind:
March 3rd, made 3 years since we lost our first baby and I had a D&C. I remember feeling completely blind-sided, shocked and devastated that we, (a relatively healthy & young happily married couple) could miscarry a baby. I was SO naive to think, it wouldn't happen to me, and that it only happened to women that were not healthy, did drugs or drank while pregnant. To think that I had done everything "by the book" and still, it was out of my hands and we lost our precious little one. I still have my first u/s picture for that baby, and last year at my in-laws house in a photo album I found this baby's picture matted and a journal entry that this was Our special little Valentine baby. Since I had surprised everyone on Valentine's day with the news & ultrasound.
March 16th is my nephew Jacob's 2nd birthday. Our little Erik was born 2 months after my sister's baby was born. Its just sad to think of what should've been when I see her planning a boy's John Deere tractor party. I can see my son in my heart, he's a chubby brown haired little boy sitting next to his only boy cousin wearing a birthday hat singing happy birthday...
March 9th is suppose to be the date for my cerclage. That is if, this appointment goes well. My sister called me this morning to wish me luck, because she new I was going alone. And she reminded me that I should be able to hear the baby's heartbeat this appointment... I hate that I have to go alone. Richard is taking Friday off to be with me on the day of my surgery, so he didn't feel right asking for today off too. I hope everything goes well... I'm so nervous. If everything goes ok, I'm coming back to work and I'll update this post... If not, then I'm going home.

Wish me luck.


adamandjeremy said...

you will be in my prayers.

Kellie with an "ie" said...

I am sending you a big hug and a world of luck and good wishes.

Sporty said...

Thinking of you. Lots of luck and the best of wishes. You are in my prayers.

Kirsten said...

What a beautiful picture!! I am so happy for you guys!!!
When I had my 11 week scan and Daniel couldn't be in there with me, I felt horrible. I could finally tell that they were really babies and he wasn't even there to see it :( But, he will be there for the biggie on April 5th!!!
So happy things are going well and can't wait to read more!

Kellie with an "ie" said...

I'm so happy for your good news!