Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Day 4 Post-Op

I'm back to work. Yesterday I had my RE fax over a medical release to my work so I can return today, so I'm back in action! I'm doing pretty good (so far) just really glad to be out of the house, and away from Day Time TV. Man, it was bad. I didn't realize how many crap shows go on during the day, till I was forced to sit, rest and relax on the couch. I really wanna be a stay a home mom... But I'm thinking about chaning that title to something more along the lines of... Shopping Soccer Mom, or Mall Shoppin' Momma. Well, now that I think about it, I'm sure the little one(s) would be keeping me busy enough to not have time to watch day time tv... I hope.

Richard had his appointment. I went with him as moral support and I think just me being there made it rough for him. He said it didn't, but I feel it did. He got his cup & instructions and we were put in this huge dr. office room. It had a small chair, and an examining table in it... Nothing else. No visual aids, like I expected, or anything... Poor guy. He was so nervous, and I was nervous for him. I tried turning off the lights, but that made it WAY to dark and he was worried about spilling or missing... There were so many people walking by the door, and talking in the halls... It really made it difficult for him. I won't go into anymore details, but he did it, finally. He said it wasn't his best, but he did it. So I'm proud of him. He was under so much pressure. I had to be at the hospital at 11:30 for check in, so he was really rushed to produce his sample. And with it being his first time to do that, and being under so much pressure... He's a real trooper.

We got to the hopsital, got checked in, and I slipped into the "fashionable" hospital gown. We waited about an hour in little holding area. When it was time to go, Richard gave me a good bye/good luck kiss and when I opened my eyes, we both had tears in our eyes. I could see the fear in his eyes, and I know he could see mine. I just said a quick prayer, and took a couple of deep breaths of the "oxygen" and drifted off to La-La Land. Anesthesia sleep is the deepest sleep one could experience. I lost track of time, day, everything. And I never dream while I'm under. Its just enough time to close your eyes, and open them and its all over. No pain, no recollection of what just happened, its so weird. I guess that's why its so scary.

After the surgery my RE showed Richard some color pictures of what my insides looked like, then what they looked like after the surgery was done. Apparently, from what little info I can gather from Richard, I had adhesions (scar tissue) blocking my fallpian tube(s) (don't know if it was one or both) But after it was removed the blue dye ran through like it was suppose to. And I had additional adhesions on my uterus. I think... Richard didn't ask her any questions, and didn't really hear anything my RE had to say just that I was ok, and the surgery was successful. I have a post-op appt scheduled for November 6th, and I guess I'll just save my questions till then.

The first night was a bad night. Once the pain medication wore off, I was hurting. Hydrocodone was my saving grace and I spend those first two days & nights on the living room recliner. Getting the bandages off my incisions wasn't fun. One incision is in my belly button, and that one looks really good. Ya can't even see it. I know where its at only because its bruised there. And the bottom incision is doing well too. That one is on the pubic bone area, and the only problem with that one is that when I stand or sit, and the transition between the two, it hurts. It bled a little more than the belly button incision, but its not as bruised as my belly button incision. Yesterday I called my RE's office and begged a nurse to send my work a medical release. My job isn't a very physical one, so I promised her I'd take it really easy here, and I am. Its so good to be back in the groove of normal work. Its healing on my mind.

Thanks for all the prayers & support.


Jenna said...

poor Richard!!! I feel bad for him too!

I am glad that your surgery went well... I can't wait to hear about your post op appt.

I really hope that this helps you get pregnant ASAP! A 2007 baby sounds awesome!

Sporty said...

I'm glad that the surgery went well and that you were able to go back to work.

Just wanted to pop in and let you know that I am thinking about ya!

Take care,

Kirsten said...

So glad you are back! I feel so bad for the guys when they have to go through that. D was able to at least have some magazines (they had videos but he said they were too cheesy)...at first I was a little jealous since I wasn't in the room with him but then I just thought, he's gotta do what he's gotta do! He's had to do it 3 times, total, but I don't think it gets any better each time!!!!
It sounds like you are ready to go...I'll be praying that we both get our BFP's soon!!! We've been through enough, it is TIME!!!!

Liz said...

Glad the surgery went well and you were able to go back to work. I was out for a week after my lap and boy did I blow up. Sounds like things are looking good now. A 2007 baby is surely on it's way.