Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Un Sure-gery day is coming

I'm sure the procedures will go ok, I'm just nervous about the anestesia. That's the only thing that has me freakin' out.

A couple days ago Richard and I had "the talk". We have "the talk" anytime one of us is gonna have surgery and be put under anesthesia. We talk about what the other should do in case something was to happen, if God decides its time to go. And this time, for the first time, I told him I'd want him to remarry. He is such a wonderful man, I'd want him to love, and be loved. And perhaps one day be the dad. Even if it is without me, I would want for him to be happy and share that love. I know it sounds a little extreme to be having that kinda talk when its just outpatient/minor surgeries, but ya never know.

Tomorrow I have a pre-op appointment at 1:15 to discuss what the plans are, and to watch 2 dvd's, 1 on each procedure. And I have to sign all the consents for my RE. I'll post tomorrow when I get back from my appt.


Jenna said...

Wow.. that is a serious talk... I know that everything will be okay though.

I hope tomorrows videos put you at ease.

Kirsten said...

I wish I had the guts to have that talk with D but we just haven't yet. I used to think about what we'd do if our infertility was all my problem as I know how bad he wants kids. I did voice that concern to him once and he actually got mad. He told me to never even think he'd leave me for that reason. But, I think I would definitely want him to remarry if I were to pass away.
I know anesthesia is scary; I wasn't even worried about possibly losing an ovary, I just wanted to wake up!! After my 1st surgery ever, I started crying when I woke up and saying "I'm just so happy I'm alive!!"...also the drugs talking there!!! You will do great and this will get you even closer to your dream of bringing home your baby!