Tuesday, October 31, 2006

YAY! Its Halloween

HAPPY Halloween!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope your day is a Spoooooktacular one with lots of sweets surprises.

This morning I came to work with my cute-sy halloween treats and they were a hit. I handed them out wearing my old lady mask and it had the girls laughing. It was so much fun. Everyone brought treats, and surprisingly not all were candy. One gal gave out halloween mugs filled with granola bars and a halloween pencil & halloween straw. Another gal gave out individual carmel dip and an apple tied on top with a orange ribbon, she even decorated the apple to be a jack-o-lantern, its really cute. They look like girl jack-o-lantern with big bow on it's head. My boss gave out orange bath poofs with french vanilla bean Bath & Body works bubble bath. The rest of the gals gave out candy goodie bags, cupcakes & cookies. My boss had on a masquerade sequin mask on, and my other boss had on a Jason hocky mask. Other than them two, I was the only other one that had a mask & dressed up. So we took pictures together. I know now I probably look like a kiss as$, but it wasn't planned. It just worked out that way. Anyhow.

I better get to work. Again, its before 10am and we've all managed to get back up on that sugar high.

Have a Great Day!

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