Thursday, September 28, 2006

Electric guitar & CD1

Weird mix, huh! LOL
Yesterday after work Richard got "an itch" and wanted a new electric guitar. Which is fine, however he doesn't know how to play one... So off to the music store we go. We got word from a reliable sourse that H&H music stores are going out of business and are clearancing all their inventory. So we went. They had 5 guitars to choose from that were all over a thousand dollars... NOT HAPPENING! So we went to the Guitar Center "just to look" (yea right). The salesman that helped him of course wanted to sell him the most expensive guitar. Which I was not gonna let slide, so we agreed on getting a good guitar, not the cheapest ($99) one but not the most expensive one either ($5,000). So he ended up really liking one that was in the budget, and the salesman agreed it was a good one to start learning on, so he got it. So all evening he was tuning it, which wasn't to earpiercing because he doesn't have an amp, yet. But today he's going to pick up his brother's extra one he's letting him borrow. UGH, thanks a lot Brother in law! I've gotta stock up on earplugs now.

This morning AF woke me up.
I called the nurse triage line to report it, and the nurse just returned the call back. She suggested that I keep my Monday appointment for the consultation, which will be CD5 and see what my RE wants to do. I mentioned to her that since I have enough Gonal-F for another round/month of injections I'd like to do that if we can, just so it all doesn't go to waste. She said she's seen my RE start patients on CD5 before so we'll just wait and see.

I'm actually glad AF is here, because she's RIGHT on time. Which is unusual.
Guess I've just got the "get'er done" attitude, so we can get moving on to the next cycle.

1 comment:

Kirsten said...

How interesting...your husband went out and bought a guitar and mine went out and bought golf clubs b/c he wants to start that for his hobby!!!
I'm glad AF showed so that you can get things rolling again. I am always amazed how quickly things go when AF finally arrives and then how they slow to a crawl during the 2ww.
I think your attitude is great; I am so glad to you in better spirits and ready to keep on truckin'!!!