Sunday, September 24, 2006

hpt 1 & 2

I tested yesterday (Saturday) morning. It was negitive. I tried not to be upset because I should be used to seeing bfn's by now, but I guess it never is easy seeing a negitive no matter how long you've been ttc. I didn't tell Richard I tested because he asked me not to test. But now I'm wondering if I should tell him. He's so SO hopeful, and I don't want him to be completely crushed if this cycle was to fail. I know I should have hope, but I don't. I lost what little I had yesterday morning.

So early this morning, I snuck out of bed and tested again. Again it was negitive. I did it for me, I had to try to restore ANY little bit of hope I could by retesting and searching for any reminant of a second line. The test was clear, to clear. It was a definate negitive. Now what little hope I thought I might find, is long gone. I'm trying not to make it obvious to Richard that I'm hopeless, but its hard. He can read me like a book which sometimes is good, but times like this its not so good.

Now if Tuesday's bloodwork comes out that we are pregnant. I'm gonna hit the roof. Right now, hope or faith isn't something I have. So if it comes out that we are successful this cycle someone's gonna have to scrape me up off the floor to revive me. I'm just so sure this cycle didn't take. So sure.
Two more days and we'll know the real truth... But I think I know what it is... Now to prepare my heart and my husband for another another let down, and I hope he's gonna take it ok.


Kirsten said...

I wanted to check in on your today and I am so sorry about the negatives. It is crushing. I was talking to my stepmom today telling her that this (2ww)is the hardest part b/c your mind is just racing. I'll taking getting injections any day over the agony of these 2 weeks and the pain we feel on the day we see a negative.
You've heard it before though, it's not over until AF shows. I will pray that she doesn't. I think it's a good thing though that you are preparing yourself for Tuesday, just in case. I will likely do the same before my test in a couple of weeks. I'd rather find out on my own than to get that call. And no, negatives are never easy to see. Amazing how much heartache that little white stick can cause.
Again, I am so sorry but please try to keep the faith. This dream is in your heart for a reason.
I hope you enjoyed your Sunday (even though the Texans chalk up another loss!!).

Jenna said...

Jennie... I am so sorry.... I am still hoping that the test our wrong... really, really hoping... are you going to take off work on Tuesday?

I have faith for you....