Monday, September 25, 2006

other 1/2 of hpt

So, I went to walmart during my lunch break and bought a two pack of First Response hpts. I came back to work, and took one. It has a faint, faint second line, to my surprise. I tried taking a picture (high resolution) to share it, but the faint line won't show up on the pic. I tried several times to get it, but can't.

Oh well... I guess now that I have another test left I'll use it tomorrow morning before my scheduled blood work. Come on, you know you would too. Its just I'm brave enough to admit it.

I'm glad I saw at least a faint faint second line. It gave me a tiny bit of hope, definatly more than I had yesterday for sure.


Jenna said...

I wish you had been able to test this morning... I guess we will know in less than 3 hours! you better call me as soon as you know anything... I can't stand the wait!

My fingers are crossed over here and I am praying hard!

Kirsten said...

Oh my gosh!! I am so excited about that 2nd line...there IS hope!!
I am still laughing b/c I just also read your previous post...don't worry, I've been right there with ya. It's like an addiction. But, you know, when it comes down to it, of course we care what our DH's think and love them to pieces for caring so much, but if taking that HPT gives us a little more peace of mind (even if it is BFN, at least we know)then I am all for it.
I can't wait to hear back from you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm in a meeting all morning but will be in here checking on every break!! Good luck!!!

Jessigirl said...

Good luck Jennie!!

Jenna said...

Jennie - I think you might read this before you post....

I am just so sorry... So very sorry... if you need or want to talk at all today call me... it doesn't matter that I am at work. You are one of my closest friends, I just wished we lived closer so i could come over right now.