Thursday, September 14, 2006

random thoughts

Sorry for the gap in my blog entires... I'm doing somewhat better (Thanks Jenna for helping me gather myself again.) I've been an emotional crying, moping, pouting, feeling-sorry-for-myself, blob for 4 days now. And I've kinda been slowly creeping my way out of the funk, and trying to refocus my attention back on my cycle.

I mentioned my sister is pregnant. Yesterday she told me she's 7 wks. Yay, good for her.
Nothing more to say about that.

On to other things... I started progesterone suppositories Tuesday and will be on them till after we test. Bubbly pee-pee is the new "IN" thing (those who've been on progesterone suppositories know what I mean.) If you haven't had bubbly pee-pee you're missing out! LOL.
I'm also on Estace, and thankfully neither have given me any real side effects. **knock on wood**

So other than that, nothing else is really happinin'.

Side note: Infertility Sucks! I'm sure no one really needs to be reminded, just thought I'd restate the fact.


Jenna said...

I am glad that you are starting to feel better.

I really hope that this cycle is it for you! I am hoping and praying like crazy!

Sporty said...


I know I haven't posted, but I hope you know that I still think about ya!

Take care of yourself.
