Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Mini dose #2

Yesterday evening I got my last mini dose injection of HCG. Now that was the LAST shot for this cycle, YAY! So I called my RE's office to make an appointment for blood work to test progesterone, and estrogen. So its set, I gotta go in Wednesday morning 6:45 am for blood work. AND I have an appointment set for a pregnancy test on Monday, July 17th. GUH, I can't wait! I'm so anxious.

I'm trying not to get all worked up about it, but when you've wanted something for so long, and the possibility is finally there... I can't help myself but to be anxious.

I have a feeling that I am pregnant. I don't know why my mind is thinking this, and I should know better than to get my hopes up. But for some reason I just feel that I am. I've been having some light cramping in my sides, and yesterday I was nauseas. I know it may be a little to soon to start feeling pregnant, but I'm not gonna ignore the symptoms I'm having.

SIX more days till we have our blood test to find out. I hope it flies by!


Jenna said...

I think that you are pregnant too! I really thought that you would get pregnant on your first cycle back on gonal-f.
I can't believe we have to wait a whole 6 days to find out!!!
So when are you going to go ahead and POAS???

Ally said...

Wouldn't that just be wonderful if you were. I'm so rooting for you Jennie!!

I will pray the 6 days goes by fast!