Monday, July 31, 2006

my weekend

All day Friday I waited to get a call from the washing machine repairman. Finally at 4:59 he called and said, "uh, I don't think I'm gonna be able to make it before 5:00..." DUH! Its a minute before 5 and you're just now calling me, ugh! He rescheduled and is suppose to be coming Tuesday, but we'll see. Hopefully both repairmen can be there at the same time so I only have to take a 1/2 day off.

So we went the weekend without TV and a washing machine. So tonight I HAVE to go to the laundry mat. Richard told me this morning he's just about out of socks, and he went to work wearing two different length socks, but at least they were both white & clean. :)

This weekend we went to my SIL's housewarming party. It was so much fun. She had Texas Hold'em for the guys, and Bunco for the ladies. I had never played Bunco before, but once I caught on it was so much fun! I ended up winning 2 of the 5 prizes. :) I got a serving platter, and I got a flower pot with nail polishes & manicure set. YAY! I'm now addicted, I love Bunco. I'm gonna have to set it up to get some gals together to play again. Its was so easy, but so fun.


Jenna said...

I can't believe I didn't even ask about the repair man when we spoke! Sorry...
That sucks you have to go to the laundry mat again! UGH!
Tuesdays only one day away! I hope both men come and fix both things!

Ally said...

That sucks Jennie...I hope he got it fixed for ya.

Did Richard get his TV working??