Thursday, January 11, 2007

2 days past IUI

Physically, I've been feeling kinda yucky lately. I've been nauseas, episodes of cramping, and feeling very bloated. I know its way to early for there to be any kind of preg. symptoms going on, but it seems like I didn't feel this way before the IUI... Maybe coincidence. Or maybe its just me coming down from my nerves. I dunno.

Spiritually I'm doing well. I'm really in a good place right now. For a while I was unsure if I really wanted to an IUI. Being Catholic, and knowing the church's views are on ART... I was hesitant. After much soul-seeking, praying, and religous advice, I accepted and went forward with it. Now that its done, I have no regrets and I'm really glad we did it. Even if it doesn't work, I still will not allow myself to have any regrets.

Emotionally. I'm ok. I'm just really looking forward to finding out if this worked. If this did/does work we'd be due Oct. 7th. That's 7 days before Erik's EDD, and I'm ok with that. Holding our baby(ies) in our arms would be the ultimate ending to such a long & rough journey we've had.

1 comment:

Jenna said...

Hey Jennie.. i really do hope that it is good news.. I know it is still really early but I am really hopeful!
I am glad that you went a head and did it. I know that you had a lot of issues, but it is good. And no matter what happens you are going to want to know that you did everything possible.