Monday, January 08, 2007

Whoa, this is all going so fast!

Lab work came back that my Estragen level is 1,218.
Don't really know what that means, but she said it's good.
And RE is gonna have me do 10,000iu of Novrell (trigger) injection. I guess we're going for the GOLD!

This morning I went in for routine bloodowork, and had an ultrasound to find out how my follicles are progressing. I didn't expect much, normally my first ultrasound goes by and I have do a couple more days of shots before the trigger... Well this morning I was very proud of my ovaries. I have 11 growing follicles, and 7 GOOD mature follicles!!! SEVEN! I couldn't believe my eyes! Since I have so many potential eggs, the RN suggested that we only trigger 5,000iu of HCG, instead of the normal 10,000iu HCG. She said that'll hopefully only pop 1/2 of the follicles so I'll only ovulate 3-4 eggs instead of all 7. She's gonna talk to my RE about it, and see what she thinks... So I've gotta wait on a call back for the trigger plan.

Right Ovary:


Left Ovary:

So, for the Plan of Action.

Today 1/8/07: Start Estrace 2mg, and tonight I TRIGGER!
1/9/07 7:00am: bloodwork for me, and Richard's got to give his sample
1/9/07 9:00am: Drink 64oz. of fluid, then we do the IUI YAY!
1/10/07: Possibly go back for a 2nd IUI if 1/9/07's bloodwork shows progesterone is low.
1/13/07: Start progesterone 400mg vag. suppositories
1/16/07: Mini Dose injection of HCG
1/19/07: Go in for bloodwork to check on progesterone
1/20/07 Mini Dose injection of HCG
1/22/07 Consultation w/RE
1/26/07 Pregnancy Test

I am so very excited. I have high hopes, and I hope that's a good thing. I wouldn't be attempting something so radical if I didn't believe it would work. I really am so excited, I'm nervous too, but more excited than nervous.
Enough rambling. I'll update once I hear back from my RE.


Kirsten said...

Holy moly, talk about good response!!! Wow!!! That is excellent!! I am so excited for you and am just praying that we both have great days tomorrow. And I hope that the 2ww hurries by in a flash.
Keep me posted!!!!

Anonymous said...

Awesome cycle Jennie!! THe mini dose of HCG twice throughout the cycle is something of a miracle and worked for me! Helped to lengthen my LP long enough for the baby to implant!! I am so happy for you. YOu have such a great spirit about all of this. It is amazing that you have held it together as well as you have. You are truly amazing.