Here's a flash from my past TTC journey.
- Sept. 1, 2001 I married my bestfriend, and our life together began.
- Sept. 11, 2001 Our first day back from our Honeymoon the tragedy of 9/11 struck.
- Dec. 31, 2003 We bought our house
- Jan. 1, 2004 was the beginning of our chapter of TTC, and we became pregnant.
- Mar. 3, 2004 Our hearts were shattered, I miscarried our baby and had a D&C
- May 2004 We became pregnant again.
- July 3, 2004 Our nightmare repeated itself, I miscarried our baby (naturally)
- Aug. 2004 My sister annouced she was preg.
- Sept. 2004 I began seeing my RE & was diagnosed w/MTHFR
- Oct. 16, 2004 I had a hysteroscopy to remove uterine fibroid (contributing factor to m/c's)
- Nov. 2004 Failed "Clomid Challange"
- Dec. 2004 Failed Gonal-F injection Cycle
- Jan. 31, 2005 Day of my sister's baby shower, RE called to tell me we're pregnant.
- Mar. 3, 2005 1 yr anniv. from the day we miscarried our first baby.
- Mar. 16, 2005 My sister had her baby boy, Jacob Jude.
- May 16, 2005 Admitted to hospital for premature dialation, resulting in uterine infection
- May 25, 2005 (Mom's b-day) Cerclage was placed to try to save our baby.
- May 27, 2005 I was induced, the infection in my uterus became life threating to me. I gave birth to our son Erik Michael and he died in our arms.
- May 29, 2005 I was released from the hospital.
- June 1, 2005 (Brother's b-day) Our little Erik was laid to rest. Wearing an outfit my MIL made for him, and swaddled in a blanket my mom made for him.
- July 3, 2005 Jacob was baptized, I cried as the priest resited the same words he said to baptize my son 2 month earlier. Also it was the 1 yr anniv. for my 2nd baby I miscarried.
- Oct. 16, 2005 Erik's EDD, I spent the day with my grandma at church
- Feb. 20, 2006 Started attending Wee Care Support Group meetings to help me cope with my losses.
- Mar. 16, 2006 Sister's baby Jacob turned 1 yr old.
- Apr. 10, 2006 Started seeing my RE again to get back to ttc.
- May 14-21 We spent a week in Disneyworld Resort-Our early anniversary trip
- May 27, 2006 We did a balloon release at the cemetary for Erik's 1 yr birth day.
- June 1, 2006 I got my memorial tattoo, 1 yr anniv. of my baby Erik's funeral/burial.
- June 26, 2006 I started Blog.ging
- July 2006 Failed Gonal-F cycle
- Sept 1, 2006 We celebrated our 5 yr wedding anniversary.
- Sept 11, 2006 My sister announces she's pregnant, again.
- Sept 26, 2006 Failed Gonal-F cycle
- Oct. 16, 2006 Erik's EDD.
- Oct. 20, 2006 Had another Hysteroscopy, and a Laproscopy (tubes were blocked, but were successfully opened.)
- Oct. 25, 2006 Richard had a S/A and got an A++
- Dec. 27, 2006 RE ok'd cyst was small enough to start new cycle of injections for an IUI
- Jan. 1, 2007 3 Yr anniversary of TTC baby #1
- Jan. 2, 2007 Day 1 of Follistim shots.
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