Thursday, January 25, 2007

hmmm, I really am pregnant...

Gosh. Even though its my 4th pregnancy, the thought of ME actually being pregnant its still so new to me right now. Not just being one day after we found out we are, just everything about it. Kinda hard to put into words. I mean in the last few days I went from really hopeful, to trying to think positive, losing hope because I started spotting & cramping, then POW!!! I was hit with a BFP. Its weird. Don't get me wrong. I am SOooo SOOOOooo excited, I guess I'm just really overwhelmed right now. It hasn't really soaked in yet. My mind is stuck in LaLa Land, and it doesn't seem real to me.

Tomorrow morning at 6:45am I have to go in for another quantative hcg bloodwork, to make sure my #'s are doubling like they should. To me I see it as another "hurdle" I have to jump over to get a little closer to the finish line. I know there are gonna be A LOT of hurdles, but I'm ready. As ready as I'm ever gonna be.

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