Wednesday, January 31, 2007

my thoughts

Two more days till we find out what's going to happen with this pregnancy. In a way, I'm anxious to find out. But in another way, I'm kinda glad I had these few days of not-knowing to prepare myself for what's to come.

Honestly, I can't say I have much hope. With my #'s being as low as they were last week & Monday, I know its not likely for this pregnancy to work out. I know that probably sounds bad, but its what I feel in my heart. I'm really trying to stay realistic... I know the odds, and its not looking good. However, I do have faith, and I do believe in miracles. I don't know that we'll get to experince a miracle, but I believe its still possible since its not over yet. I am sure that whatever happens, we're gonna be ok. It would be heartbreaking if we have to accept another loss, but we can pull through it. We've been through worse. So I know we'll be ok.

I knew going into this, that me being high-risk made our the chances of a successful pregnancy slim and I accepted that. That's life. I don't like it, but I can't change it, and if we want to have the family we've dreamt of we have to continue on forward.

Two more days, and we'll know.


Krista said...

Just found your blog through Jenna. I hope this pregnancy works and I am praying for you to get good news with this beta.

I also wanted to say that I love your tatoo. I think it is one of the nicest I have seen. So sorry this journey has been so hard. I sincerely hope that it is successufl soon.

Kirsten said...

One more day to go. I just wanted you to know I'm praying for you every night. I hope that things are going well and that you get good news tomorrow.
Wishing you all the best,

Kellie with an "ie" said...

I know there is nothing I can say to alleviate your worries at this point, but I just wanted you to know that I will include you and your family in my prayers tonight, hoping for only good news tomorrow.

Thanks for taking the time to read and comment on my blog. My first comment! I appreciate it!