Hip Hip ....... Hurray!
HIP HIP.........HURRAY!!!!!
This morning I went in at 7:30am for a progesterone level check/bloodwork. Well I just got a message from my RE saying that it came out great. It needed to be over 20 and its 155. YAY!
And since my levels are good, I could skip my last HCG mini dose injection YAYYY! AND YALL THIS IS THE BEST PART!!! My Beta was bumped up 2 days earlier. So I'll find out Wednesday, instead of Friday. WOO HOO!
OHHHhhhh the difference those 2 little days make.
So I have 5 days left in my 2ww instead of 7.
Gosh, I hope this is it for us. I really, really do.
As for test day I sheduled the day off work. I took it off for 3 reasons, the same 3 reasons I always take test day off.
- Reward myself for all that I went through this cycle (injections, transvag. u/s, the cocktail of pills I take daily, progesterone vag. suppositories every night, frequent appts / bloodwork & this time the IUI)
- So I can be home to accept the news, whether its good or not-so-good. It'll give me time to accept the news and either CELEBRATE and go shopping. OR do the normal crying, pouting & pity-party I throw for myself each time I get a BFN. Then do some much needed "retail therapy" to make myself feel better.
- And lastly just to be away from work for a day to get myself together again. God knows, I'm a basketcase on test days and would be no good at work anyway.
I can't wait Jennie, I am so excited to hear how it turned out....
That is an awesome P4 number!!!! The highest mine ever was for an IUI cycle, I think, was 91 so yours is excellent...your body is doing exactly what it should!!!
I am so excited and can't wait for Wednesday!!!
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