Tuesday, January 16, 2007

My 100th blog entry

As if thats something to commemorate. lol. On to my lovely weekend.

Friday I spent the evening at my sister's house visiting her, my mom and my nephew Jacob. He's starting to talk and its so cute. He wants to talk so much, he jibber jabbers then a couple of real words come out like "cars" "colors" "tractor" "vroooom" Its the funniest thing to listen to.

Saturday evening we had my parents over for coffee & cookies. Well it was more like hot cocoa and cookies since the only one that drank coffee was my dad. They didn't leave till after 1:00am. We talked & visited and really had a good time. My mom was really interested in what the procedure (IUI) was like. It made me feel good that she actually was taking time and initiative to learn about what I was going through, physically & emotionally. She had so many questions, it was nice to know she was wanting to learn all about what we were doing.

Sunday we did something we haven't done in at least a year, almost 2. We got up early and went to church. Richard has been avoiding church for some time now, and I had been too. But then I started going by myself, but that didn't last long. I stopped going because I felt very alone in church, even though the church was filled with people around me. I still felt alone. Seeing the babies all dressed up in their "Sunday best" hurt me, the church hymns tugged so hard at my heart, and I need a shoulder to lean on. Not having Richard by my side, made me quit going. I couldn't do it alone, it was way to hard. But this Sunday was a new beginning for us. We went, sat no where near anyone with children, and we really listened and ended up enjoying mass. After church was over, we went to the cemetary and visited Erik. We were so uplifted from our church experience, and just topped it off with a peaceful quiet afternoon visit at the cemetary. I got to tell Erik how I truely felt about this IUI. And that his short but meaningful life will forever be remembered and treasured. His memory is a huge part of us now that I would never try to have another baby to take his place in my heart. I know that the hole in my heart will be filled one day when we are all reunited in Heaven. And I'm ok with that.

Monday my work was closed for MLK day, but Richard had to work. However he did come home to enjoy a nice gourmet lunch with me. Frozen Tortino's pizza. Yum.
It was nice being off work, it would have been nice to have the hubby home with me, but I made good use of my time and got to stay in my jammies and catch up on some house work.

Today is ONE week past my IUI. I can't believe that we still have 10 days till we find out if it worked or not. So far I can't say how I really feel. Maybe its just me noticing every little twinge & pain. But I've had some light twinges of pain in my right side, and I've had sore breasts for 2 days. Coincidence? Or AF symptoms??? I don't know. Drives me crazy how AF & Pregnancy symptoms have to be so dang similar. Oh well.. I guess that's how the "normal" 2ww goes.


Sporty said...

I haven't been around in a while, but I wanted to pop in and let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I really hope that this IUI works for you.

I am happy to hear that you and Richard have started back to church. I NEED to do that to, but I don't want to go alone.

Oh well....take care!


Kirsten said...

Daniel & I really need to get our butts to church but it's just so easy to turn on the t.v. on Sunday mornings and watch Joel Osteen, and I just love his messages. But, there is something to be said about the "real thing".
I hope your symptoms are from the little embryo(s) implanting and getting nice and cozy!